Monday 21 March 2011

The Making of a Chief Completed

Every once and a while, as an artist, we find just the right composition that motivates and challenges our creativity.  This portrait study of my good friend, Chief Kris Nahrgang, did just that and I wanted to honour him in an authentic historical capacity. Kris is an Ojibway Chief of the Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nations in Burleigh Falls, Ontario and has a very diverse background, licensed as a professional archaeologist and a world renown sculptor.   Graphite, my medium of choice, was a perfect tool that allowed me to bring this image to life in a very powerful way.  I strategically used a wide range of subtle tones and a deep rich background to amplify his ceremonial dress in the most dramatic way.  To balance the composition and bring symbolism into the theme I silhouetted the Bald Eagle, the  connection to the creator for the Nishnawbe.

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