Tuesday 22 March 2011

Monday 21 March 2011

The Making of a Chief Completed

Every once and a while, as an artist, we find just the right composition that motivates and challenges our creativity.  This portrait study of my good friend, Chief Kris Nahrgang, did just that and I wanted to honour him in an authentic historical capacity. Kris is an Ojibway Chief of the Kawartha Nishnawbe First Nations in Burleigh Falls, Ontario and has a very diverse background, licensed as a professional archaeologist and a world renown sculptor.   Graphite, my medium of choice, was a perfect tool that allowed me to bring this image to life in a very powerful way.  I strategically used a wide range of subtle tones and a deep rich background to amplify his ceremonial dress in the most dramatic way.  To balance the composition and bring symbolism into the theme I silhouetted the Bald Eagle, the  connection to the creator for the Nishnawbe.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Striking Distance

A graphite and colored pencil drawing by
Artist Doug Comeau

 This composition depicts a walleye about to strike and was commissioned by the Kiwanis Club for the 2011 Walleye Fishing derby in Trenton, Ontario May 6 -8.  Come visit Sculpture Artist Kris Nahrgang, http://www.spiritofthestone.ca/ and me at the Roadhouse Gallery, Canada's first mobile gallery, at the derby, we will have these prints on hand there plus much, much more!!

We will also be featuring our premier print, "The Making of a Chief"